More than in the book.

More than in the book.

More than in the book.

Courtesy of your smartphone.

Are you passion-

Courtesy of your smartphone.

Are you passionate?

Courtesy of your smartphone.

Are you passio-

Chapter 1

Worldwide, 90% of employees are unaware of their company’s strategy.

Companies around the world invest a lot of resources into presenting their strategy in pyramid format. They focus on defining their “mission” (what makes the company special today) and their “vision” (what the company aims to become in the future), often with the help of consultants. What typically results is a flood of documents outlining “fields of action,” “indicative objectives,” “secondary objectives,” “sub-objectives,” and more. The outcome? A largely uninformed workforce.


A smarter approach would be to replace these theoretical exercises (defining mission and vision) with what I call “passion.” Passion succinctly and concisely articulates where we are, where we want to go, and how we plan to get there. It also defines our identity and values, creating a concise and practical narrative.


This approach fosters a sense of enthusiasm and commitment, much like the atmosphere captured in the photo above – three colleagues during a video call with their boss. Passion is not only beneficial to companies, but also entire countries.

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