More than in the book.

More than in the book.

More than in the book.

Courtesy of your smartphone.

A new authority.

Courtesy of your smartphone.

A new

Courtesy of your smartphone.

A new authority.

Chapter 4

Everything that glitters is GOLD, isn't it?

You won’t always have your book on hand. So here’s the long-term Ovation measure for your smartphone, i.e. from 2035 to 2040:

Introducing the world’s first independent authority on democracy – GOLD, which stands for Global Organization for Liberal Democracies. GOLD is designed for everyone interested in politics, particularly those outside democratic societies. The mission is to strengthen belief in democratic values. Currently, there is no independent advocate of democracy anywhere in the world – no organization dedicated solely to defending democratic principles by credibly and openly acknowledging within individual democratic societies and advocating for the correct path forward. In the absence of such an independent organization, people in non-democratic states must scrutinize individual democratic states and, in turn, their perceived or actual missteps. For instance, the US attack on Iraq, which violated international law, exemplifies how democracies themselves can pose a threat to the democratization of societies that are not (yet) democratic. What is missing is GOLD: the Global Organization for Liberal Democracies.

Werte wäre und die glaubwürdig ist, weil sie Fehler in einzelnen demokratischen Gesellschaften offen benennt und für den richtigen Weg steht. Noch müssen Menschen in nicht-demokratischen Staaten in Ermangelung einer solchen unabhängigen Organisation auf einzelne demokratische Staaten und im Zweifel auf deren vermeintliche oder tatsächliche Fehler blicken. Beispiel: der völkerrechtswidrige Angriff der USA auf den Irak. Demokratien können also selbst eine Gefahr für die Demokratisierung (noch) nicht demokratischer Gesellschaften sein. Was fehlt ist: GOLD. Die Globale Organisation für liberale Demokratien.